Another amazing day in the channel, but this one was all just for fun! Our crew took the Velella out on our day off because the weather was just that irresistible! Flat calm seas lead us into heaps of whales and dolphins. Just about everywhere we looked, spouts lit up the horizon. Most of the singles, pairs, and trios were in travel mode, jumping from feeding frenzy to feeding frenzy.
The most interesting part of the day was a large commotion in the distance. Once we pulled up, we realized a cow and her calf were being followed by a presumed male escort. A common behavior this time of year. However, things got quite heated when a second male suitor arrived on the scene and jockeyed for position on the female! Lots of trashing and evasive maneuvers ensued, as the primary escort fended off his beautiful lady. An epic day in the channel!
(Drone photo below from left to right: escort, cow, calf).
